11 Hottest Countries Support North Korea Over South Korea Trends for 2024

In the ever-evolving geopolitical landscape, alliances and affiliations among countries can shift unexpectedly. The Korean Peninsula, home to North and South Korea, has been a focal point of international attention for decades. While most countries maintain diplomatic relations with South Korea, a handful have displayed support for North Korea, often driven by complex historical, political, or economic factors. As of 2024, here are 11 countries that have shown stronger affinity towards North Korea over its southern counterpart.

11 Hottest Countries Support North Korea Over South Korea Trends for 2024

China: Geopolitically tied and sharing a border, China has historically backed North Korea due to strategic and historical reasons.

Russia: Similar to China, Russia has maintained diplomatic relations with North Korea and has economic interests in the region.

Laos: The historical legacy of socialism and non-alignment has led to amicable relations with North Korea.

Angola: Economic ties and past support for North Korea's anti-colonial struggle have influenced their continued relationship.

Malaysia: While officially engaging with South Korea, Malaysia's historical ties with North Korea have occasionally come to the forefront.

Zimbabwe: Economic and political considerations have fostered a relationship that occasionally tilts towards North Korea.

It is crucial to note that while these countries may lean towards North Korea, the dynamics are multifaceted and can change over time due to geopolitical shifts, changing leadership, and evolving global circumstances. Most nations around the world maintain diplomatic ties with South Korea, owing to its strong economic and technological prowess, global trade connections, and democratic governance.

In conclusion, the 11 countries mentioned here have historically displayed a higher level of support for North Korea over South Korea. However, global politics is a fluid realm, and allegiances can change due to a myriad of factors. As the international landscape continues to evolve, it will be intriguing to observe how these relationships develop in the years to come.
